Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Caffeine - it's all relative

Does anyone remember when Mountain Dew was the caffeine soda? Years ago I remember people talking about Mountain Dew like it was a caffeine delivery system, containing so much caffeine it would keep you up all night long. Of course, this did happen to me once. As a naive college sophomore, I lived above a campus store which sold snacks until late into the night. One evening, enjoying my freedom to stay up late and do as I please, I purchased a Mountain Dew around 11:30pm. As someone who didn't drink much soda at all, I was unaware that soda contained caffeine, until my roommate informed me, right as I finished the last drop. And since it was Mountain Dew, he told me I had just consumed so much caffeine that I'd be up all night. And I was. Either because of the caffeine itself, or the threat of caffeine keeping me up all night, I lay in bed staring at the ceiling for hours. Needless to say, I gave up late night sode drinking and started drinking Mountain Dew in the morning soon thereafter.

But back to my original point - Mountain Dew really isn't very high on the list of caffeinated beverages. Sure, it has more than the usual cola, but not by much. And nowadays, you can find Jolt (can you? can you still find Jolt?), energy drinks, energy shots, expresso, caffeine pills, Starbucks ... tons of ways to deliver caffeine into your body. And Mountain Dew really isn't near the top of that list. Tastewise - yes. Otherwise ....

Mountain Dew: 4.6 caffeine mg. per ounce
Coke: 2.9
Dunkin Donuts Coffer: 8.9
Jolt Energy: 11.9
Expresso: 51.3
Jolt Endurance: 100.0
Redline Power Rush: 140.0

Good thing I didn't have a Redline that night in college many (many) years ago .....

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