Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Steely Dan

I think it's "... you go back, Jack, do it again ...". Which is what I did - back for seconds with Mountain Dew Ultra Violet. On sale, of course. And I had a wide selection to choose from (although I would have taken Diet Code Red in a twelve pack if I could have found it). But I'm still confused about the total lack of advertising for this one flavor. Anyone have any clues about this?

As for this blog, my theory of "... and they told two friends, and so on, and so on, and so on ..." isn't holding up, or at least these 'two friends' aren't signing up to Follow this blog. Disappointing, to say the least. I may have to find a different way to get the word out.

I find this whole "daylight savings time" issue to be interesting. Not in and of itself, but that some areas fall back timewise, and some (AZ) don't. So, those in say, Phoenix, are sometimes essentially on Mountain Time and sometimes on West Coast Time. I do agree that not falling back makes daily life a little easier - no having to adjust your internal clock twice a year or having to adapt to an abrupt onset of winter darkness - but since almost everybody else does it, why not EVERYBODY? I'm also curiuos about how the "lines" which separate time zones in the United States happen to cut states in half (Kentucky), or carve out parts of states (what's up with Indiana and Kansas?)


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